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Versioning Templates

Templates can be versioned. Versioning a template allows you to make changes over time to a template while retaining the current version/iteration. Resources (i.e. virtual clusters, spaces) that are deployed with templates that have updated versions will show up with a warning indicating that a newer template version is available.

Creating A Template Version

You can add new versions to your templates via the UI. The steps are the same for all resources.

Semantic Versioning

While not strictly mandatory, you should follow standard semantic versioning practices for your template versioning. vCluster Platform refers to the version numbers provided when determining whether to indicate if a template has a newer version available.

  1. Select the Templates field on the left menu bar.

  2. Click the option for the resource you want to version on the templates pane.
  3. Find the template you would like to add a new version to in the list of templates. Click the small drop down button next to the name of your desired template. From the drop down menu, click the Add A New Version button.

  4. In the pop up box, enter the new version string for your App. Once done, click the .

  5. In the drawer that appears from the right, make any modifications desired for your new template version.

  6. Click the button.

Updating a Template

You can change the template and/or template version in the UI.

  1. Select the Projects field on the left menu bar.

  2. From the project drop-down menu, select the project containing the resource you'd like to update.

  3. Click the option on the project pane.
  4. Click the dropdown arrow next to the name of the resource you'd like to modify.

  5. In the dropdown menu, select Change Template.

  6. In the pop-up window, select the name of the template from the drop down menu -- the currently applied template will already be selected, so if you are just changing the template version you don't need to do anything for this step!

  7. If the template you are selecting has multiple versions, you will see an additional version dropdown menu next to the template selector dropdown, select your desired template version from this menu.

  8. Click the button.