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Retrieve Project Members

This API can be used to retrieve all users and teams that are members of this project. Does not include loft wide admins.

Example Project Members

An example Project Members:

kind: ProjectMembers
creationTimestamp: null
- info:
displayName: My Team
name: my-team
- info:
displayName: My User
email: my-email
name: my-user

Project Members Reference

teams required object[] pro

Teams holds all the teams that have access to the cluster

info required object pro

Info about the user or team

name required string pro

Name is the kubernetes name of the object

displayName required string pro

The display name shown in the UI

icon required string pro

Icon is the icon of the user / team

username required string pro

The username that is used to login

email required string pro

The users email address

subject required string pro

The user subject

users required object[] pro

Users holds all the users that have access to the cluster

info required object pro

Info about the user or team

name required string pro

Name is the kubernetes name of the object

displayName required string pro

The display name shown in the UI

icon required string pro

Icon is the icon of the user / team

username required string pro

The username that is used to login

email required string pro

The users email address

subject required string pro

The user subject

Project Members (Get)

You can retrieve all project users and teams through this API.

Run the following command:

# Exchange my-object in the url below with the name of the Project Members
kubectl get --raw "/kubernetes/management/apis/"