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Move VCluster To Other Project

This API can be used to move a virtual cluster from one project to another.

Example Move Virtual Cluster To Other Project

An example Move Virtual Cluster To Other Project:

kind: ProjectMigrateVirtualClusterInstance
creationTimestamp: null
name: my-virtual-cluster
namespace: loft-p-my-other-project

Move Virtual Cluster To Other Project Reference

sourceVirtualClusterInstance required object pro

SourceVirtualClusterInstance is the virtual cluster instance to migrate into this project

name required string pro

Name of the virtual cluster instance to migrate

namespace required string pro

Namespace of the virtual cluster instance to migrate

Move Virtual Cluster To Other Project (Create)

Move a virtual cluster into another project using this API.

Create a file object.yaml with the following contents:

kind: ProjectMigrateVirtualClusterInstance
creationTimestamp: null
name: my-virtual-cluster
namespace: loft-p-my-other-project

Then run the following curl command:

# Exchange my-object in the url below with the name of the Move Virtual Cluster To Other Project
curl -s -X POST --insecure \
"https://$LOFT_DOMAIN/kubernetes/management/apis/" \
--data-binary "$(cat object.yaml)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/yaml" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_KEY"