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Deploy using ArgoCD

The platform can be deployed using GitOps, just as you would for deploying applications in your Kubernetes clusters. This guide provides a quick overview of deploying the platform with GitOps. Since the platform is similar to other applications, standard GitOps practices are equally applicable.


This guide details deploying the platform using GitOps practices, specifically with ArgoCD. Although ArgoCD is used as an example, the principles are applicable to other GitOps tools.


  • Administrator access to a Kubernetes cluster: See Accessing Clusters with kubectl for more information. Your current kube-context must have administrative privileges, which you can verify with kubectl auth can-i create clusterrole -A


    To obtain a kube-context with admin access, ensure you have the necessary credentials and permissions for your Kubernetes cluster. This typically involves using kubectl config commands or authenticating through your cloud provider's CLI tools.

  • helm installed: Helm v3.10 is required for deploying the platform. Refer to the Helm Installation Guide if you need to install it.

  • kubectl installed: Kubernetes command-line tool for interacting with the cluster. See Install and Set Up kubectl for installation instructions.


ArgoCD needs to be installed and configured on the host cluster. Follow the Argo CD Installation Guide to install it.

Resource requirements​

  • Ensure that the required network ports are open.


    The platform requires open ports for API extensions, webhooks, and cost monitoring. In private GKE clusters, ensure firewall rules allow traffic from the Kubernetes master to platform components.

    • 8443 – API service extension for cluster communication (
    • 9443 – Webhook validation and enforcement (loft webhook)
    • 9444 – Management API for platform administration (
    • 9090 – Prometheus metrics proxy for cost monitoring

    For more information, see Networking to learn about port and firewall rules.


Basic deployment​


Before beginning, take a few minutes to review the installation with Helm section of the documentation. Helm is particularly well-suited for GitOps as it provides a standardized way to package and version Kubernetes applications.

The most basic GitOps platform deployment consists of an ArgoCD Application with the platform chart and your desired values.

Create ArgoCD application​

Execute the following command to create a simple ArgoCD Application.

Create platform ArgoCD Application
cat <<EOF > gitops-application.yaml
kind: Application
name: vcluster-platform
namespace: argocd
name: ""
namespace: vcluster-platform
server: "https://kubernetes.default.svc"
path: ""
repoURL: ""
targetRevision: $PLATFORM_VERSION
chart: vcluster-platform
# admin
- name: admin.create
value: "true"
- name: admin.username
value: admin
- name: admin.password
value: password

# ingress
- name: ingress.enabled
value: "true"
- name:
value: "vcluster-platform.example"
- name:
value: "vcluster-platform-ingress"

# audit
- name: audit.enableSideCar
value: "true"
- name: config.audit.level
value: "1"

# config
- name: config.loftHost
value: "https://vcluster-platform.example"

project: default
prune: true
selfHeal: true
- CreateNamespace=true

Apply ArgoCD application​


To retrieve all available versions of the platform Helm chart, run the following command:

List available platform versions
helm search repo loft-sh/vcluster-platform

Apply the ArgoCD Application to your cluster using the kubectl apply command.

Apply the ArgoCD Application
kubectl apply -f gitops-application.yaml

Alternatively, follow the regular GitOps process and push the gitops-application.yaml file to your Git repository.

The ArgoCD Application would deploy the platform into the current-context configured for your Kubernetes cluster, in the vcluster-platform namespace. In this example, values are being passed to set some basic configurations including:

  • Administrator user/password
  • Ingress configuration
  • Audit configuration

The platform Deployment automatically installs the platform agent in the local cluster. To manage the agent deployment manually, refer to the agent section.

ArgoCD and Helm Releases

If you are using ArgoCD to manage your platform instance, you won't be able to update the platform configuration through the platform UI. This shouldn't be a problem if you're following a GitOps approach, as manual updates are typically avoided. However, it's important to note that ArgoCD does not deploy the Helm release secret.


One of the core tenets of the platform is that all platform resources are just "normal" Kubernetes resources. This means that you can manage any platform objects in the same way you'd manage any other Kubernetes resources in your GitOps workflow.

To generate the appropriate manifests to manage each platform resource type, check out the API documentation where you can find example manifests and argument references for nearly all platform resource types. Alternatively, you can use the platform UI to build out your required objects and simply snag the YAML output from the build pane and use that as your manifest content.

Here is an example of creating a Team, and a Project that the Team is a member of. You could manage these resources in your GitOps platform, then allow project users to create resources in the platform as they wish. This would put the core pieces under GitOps, freeing teams to control their own environments in the platform manually if they wish.

The following manifests could be added into a custom Helm chart, or used as manifests in a repo connected to ArgoCD. This is a contrived example, of course, but the main point here is that all platform resources are just "normal" Kubernetes (custom) resources that can be managed with your GitOps tooling, or any other Kubernetes-centric tooling.

Example Team and Project resources
kind: Team
name: acme-team
displayName: acme-team
user: admin
- verbs:
- "*"
- "*"
- admin
- name: vcluster-platform-access
- get
- bind
- clusters
- acme-team

kind: Project
name: acme-team-project
displayName: acme-team-project
user: admin
quotas: {}
- name: "*"
- kind: VirtualClusterTemplate
name: "*"
- kind: SpaceTemplate
name: "*"
- kind: Team
name: acme-team
clusterRole: loft-management-project-admin
- name: vcluster-platform-admin-access
- get
- update
- patch
- delete
- "*"
- admin
- acme-team

Connected clusters​

One of the benefits of the platform is that you can easily manage resources located in many physical clusters by adding them to the platform and using it as your central point of management.

When you add a "connected" cluster to the platform, a Cluster resource is created and a platform Agent is installed in the cluster to handle local reconciliation tasks.

If you are managing the platform via GitOps, you may also wish to manage these connected clusters in a similar fashion, rather than letting the platform install and manage the Agent.


Managing connected clusters via GitOps offers several advantages:

  • Consistency: Ensures all clusters are configured identically.
  • Version Control: Keeps track of changes to cluster configurations over time.
  • Automation: Reduces manual intervention and potential for human error.
  • Auditability: Provides a clear record of who made changes and when.

Cluster resources​

If you would like to manage the platform and its agents via your GitOps tooling, you likely also want to manage the connected cluster configurations that live inside the platform. For information about networking requirements, see Networking.

These configuration elements inform the platform of:

  • The remotely connected clusters
  • How to connect to those clusters to validate the agent installation
  • How to proxy Kubernetes commands from the central platform instance to the remote clusters

Each cluster requires two resources:

  • a Cluster object that simply defines the cluster name and the owner of the cluster inside the platform
  • an associated Secret that contains relevant configuration information for the platform to connect to the cluster.

A common strategy for bundling cluster data with your primary platform Application (as in an ArgoCD Application object) is to write a simple "parent" Helm chart that includes the platform as a dependency. This parent chart can contain anything you'd like, but in this case would be used to include the Cluster objects and their associated Secret objects.

Cluster Secrets

The secret associated with a Cluster object necessarily includes authentication data to access the remote cluster, so take care to ensure that this information is handled appropriately.

A simple Chart.yaml that includes the base platform chart as a dependency may look similar to this, but you'll need to update $PLATFORM_VERSION with a valid platform version.

apiVersion: v2
name: vcluster-platform-manager
description: A parent Helm chart for vCluster Platform
type: application
version: 1.0.0
- name: vcluster-platform

Values that need to be passed to the dependent platform chart can be passed by referring to the dependency name, in this case, vcluster-platform. For example, if you wanted to set the replicaCount value on the platform chart, you could do as follows in a values.yaml file:

replicaCount: 3
Who is managing the agent?

Remember, if you want to manage the platform agent via your GitOps workflow, make sure you set the export DISABLE_AGENT=true environment variable to true for your platform deployment.

The "parent" Helm chart can now include any additional resources that you may want to deploy with your platform instance. In this case, the chart should include both the Cluster and Secret resources for any connected clusters. You can accomplish this by having a simple template that iterates over an array of clusters that users can provide via values, something like the following:

Template for Cluster and Secret resources
{{ range .Values.clusters }}
kind: Cluster
name: "{{ .name }}"
annotations: SkipDryRunOnMissingResource=true
- subresources:
- '*'
- admin
- '*'
secretName: "loft-cluster-config-{{ .name }}"
secretNamespace: "vcluster-platform"
displayName: "{{ .name }}"
user: "admin"
{{- end }}

{{- range .Values.clusters }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: "loft-cluster-config-{{ .name }}"
namespace: "vcluster-platform"
type: Opaque
config: "{{ .config | default "" | b64enc }}"
{{- end }}

With the preceding template, users would provide an array of maps containing a name and a config field. For example:

Example cluster configuration
- name: my-connected-cluster
config: |
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- name: my-connected-cluster
certificate-authority-data: YOUR-CA-DATA-HERE
- name: my-connected-cluster-context
cluster: my-connected-cluster
namespace: kube-system
user: my-connected-cluster-user
current-context: my-connected-cluster-context
preferences: {}
- name: my-connected-cluster-user
Missing CRDs?

You may have noticed a strange annotation on the Cluster resource SkipDryRunOnMissingResource=true. This annotation tells ArgoCD to skip the dry run/check of the resource.

You need this for initial deployments as the platform itself is going to deploy the Cluster CRD into the cluster. Without this annotation, the Application is not going to sync.


If you've turned off agent installation on your platform, ensure you manually install the platform agent in each connected cluster. Without this, the platform cannot operate within the connected cluster.

The most obvious difference in managing the agents compared to the platform manager is that the agents require installation in the connected "remote" clusters, not local to the platform manager. After adding the relevant clusters as available clusters in your ArgoCD configuration, you can simply create another ArgoCD Application to manage the agent.

Here is a basic example

Remember to update $PLATFORM_VERSION variable with a valid platform version.
ArgoCD Application for platform agent
kind: Application
name: vcluster-platform-agent-my-other-cluster
namespace: argocd
name: ""
namespace: vcluster-platform
server: "https://my-other-cluster:6443"
path: ""
repoURL: ""
targetRevision: "$PLATFORM_VERSION"
chart: vcluster-platform
# Required parameter
- name: agentOnly
value: true

# Custom parameters
- name: env.SOMEVAR
value: my-value
project: default
prune: true
selfHeal: true
- CreateNamespace=true

Once again, note that when managing the agent deployments via ArgoCD or your GitOps tooling of choice, ensure that the DISABLE_AGENT environment variable is set to true for your platform deployment.


If the loftHost is not configured in the platform settings, a random domain is automatically provisioned. You can retrieve this domain from the loft-router-domain secret located in the installation namespace. This domain is essential for accessing the platform interface and configuring other services.


You can easily configure your own custom domain.

Follow these steps to retrieve the domain name from the secret:

To retrieve the domain from the secret on Linux, run:

Retrieve domain value.
# Set the namespace where the platform is installed

echo "https://$(kubectl get secret loft-router-domain \
-o jsonpath="{.data.domain}" \
| base64 --decode)"

If you encounter an error or the secret is not found, ensure that the platform is properly installed and that you have the necessary permissions to access secrets in the specified namespace.

Default credentials​

If the username and password are not set in your values.yaml, the default credentials are:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: my-password

It is strongly recommended to change these default credentials for security reasons. You can reset the administrator password.

Next steps​

Create virtual clusters​

After logging into the UI, you'll be able to start creating virtual clusters immediately. You're automatically part of a project called Default Project.

Click New Virtual Cluster and Create to spin one up to try out.


Find more information about creating virtual clusters in the create virtual clusters section.

Otherwise, read more about some primary concepts:

  • Projects - How resources can be grouped together into different projects.
  • Virtual clusters - How to create and manage virtual clusters.
  • Templates - How to use templates to control what type of resources that can be made.
  • Host clusters - How to add more host clusters to the platform.
  • Sleep and wakeup - How to temporarily scale down unused virtual clusters and bring them back up.