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GitLab CI

When using vCluster Platform with GitLab you can use the official image as either a base image or directly. If additional tooling is needed for your CI/CD process, a custom image can be created.

Virtual Clusters for Merge Requests

This example shows how to create and delete a Virtual Cluster for running end-to-end tests for the default branch and merge requests. It assumes you have configured CI/CD variables VCLUSTER_PRO_URL, VCLUSTER_PRO_ACCESS_KEY, and VCLUSTER_PRO_PROJECT.


The script: section below demonstrates what usage with a custom image would look like, as the base image does not contain the ./kubernetes directory with resources to apply. Those would be provided by you to accommodate you particular testing requirements.


- test

stage: test
# Add --namespace to create a space for the e2e tests, see the tip below.
- vcluster login $VCLUSTER_PRO_URL --access-key $VCLUSTER_PRO_ACCESS_KEY
- vcluster platform create vcluster "${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}-${CI_PIPELINE_ID}" --project $VCLUSTER_PRO_PROJECT
- apk add go make
- kubectl apply -Rf ./kubernetes
- kubectl rollout status deployments/my-app
- make e2e
- vcluster delete "${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}-${CI_PIPELINE_ID}" --delete-namespace --project $VCLUSTER_PRO_PROJECT

To create a space (vCluter platform managed namespace) for your e2e test you can add vcluster platform create namespace <namespace> to the before_script section, or add the --namespace flag to the vcluster platform create command.


  1. The image is used for all pipeline jobs and provides the vcluster CLI, the devspace CLI, helm, and kubectl.
  2. The before_script first logs in to vCluster Platform using the $VCLUSTER_PRO_URL and $VCLUSTER_PRO_ACCESS_KEY variables that you defined in GitLab. See the GitLab docs for more information
  3. The before_script then creates a virtual cluster using predefined GitLab variables to create a unique name. Optionally, the --upgrade flag can be used to reuse an existing virtual cluster instead of creating a new one.
  4. Next before_script installs some additional tooling needed to run the end-to-end tests. For more complex scenarios creating a custom image is recommended.
  5. Then the script section uses kubectl to deploy the application to the space and waits for the my-app deployment to become ready. make is then used to run an end-to-end test suite.
  6. Finally after_script deletes the virtual cluster, and passes --delete-namespace to ensure the corresponding namespace for the virtual cluster is deleted. By using after_script we can ensure the virtual cluster is deleted even if the tests fail. You may wish to skip this step if reusing the virtual cluster with the --upgrade flag when creating the virtual cluster.