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Add Existing Virtual Clusters

Any running virtual cluster can be added to the platform. When adding a virtual cluster to the platform, the virtual cluster must be added to a designated project and when the virtual cluster is added to the platform, a VirtualClusterInstance resource is created in the platform.

  1. Connect to the Platform: to use any vcluster platform command, you need to be connected to the platform.

    When you started the platform, you would have automatically connected to the platform when you ran vcluster platform start.

    If you aren't sure if you are connected and already have a running platform, then you can login. Before running this command, be sure that your kubecontext is set to the cluster running the platform.

    Login to the platform.
    vcluster platform login
  2. Add Host Cluster to the Platform (Optional): If you want to add the host cluster to the platform, then run this command. Before running this command, be sure that your kubecontext is set to the host cluster.

    Connect host cluster to platform.
    UI_CLUSTER_NAME="My Host Cluster"
    vcluster platform add cluster $CLUSTER_ID --display-name $UI_CLUSTER_NAME
  3. Adding Virtual Cluster to the Platform: Before running this command, be sure that your kubecontext is set to the host cluster running the vcluster that you want to add.

    Add vcluster to the platform in a project.
    vcluster platform add vcluster $VIRTUAL_CLUSTER_ID \
    --project $PROJECT