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Synced Resources

This section lists all resources that can be synced or mirrored by vCluster currently in the table below. Those resources can be activated or deactivated via the values.yaml as described below, or with the --sync flag of the syncer. By default, certain resources are already activated and you can either disable the default resources or tell vCluster to sync other supported resources as well.

ResourceDescriptionDefault Enabled
servicesMirrors services between host and virtual clusterYes
endpointsMirrors endpoints between host and virtual clusterYes
configmapsMirrors used configmaps by pods between host and virtual clusterYes
secretsMirrors used secrets by ingresses or pods between host and virtual clusterYes
eventsSyncs events from host cluster to virtual clusterYes
podsMirrors pods between host and virtual clusterYes
persistentvolumeclaimsMirrors persistent volume claims between host and virtual clusterYes
fake-nodesCreates fake nodes based on spec.nodeName fields of synced pods. Requires no cluster roleYes
fake-persistentvolumesCreates fake persistent volumes based on spec.volumeName of persistent volume claims. Requires no cluster roleYes
ingressesMirrors ingresses between host and virtual cluster. Automatically tries to detect the supported ingress version ( or
ingressclassesSyncs IngressClasses from host cluster to virtual cluster. This is automatically enabled when Ingresses sync is enabled.No *
nodesSyncs real nodes from host cluster to virtual cluster. If enabled, implies that fake-nodes is disabled. For more information see nodes.No
persistentvolumesMirrors persistent volumes from vCluster to host cluster and dynamically created persistent volumes from host cluster to virtual cluster. If enabled, implies that fake-persistentvolumes is disabled. For more information see storage.No
storageclassesSyncs created storage classes from virtual cluster to host clusterNo
hoststorageclassesSyncs real storage classes from host cluster to virtual cluster. This is only needed if you require to be able to get/list StorageClasses from vCluster API server. Host storage classes can be used in PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims without syncing them to the virtual cluster. This option was formerly named "legacy-storageclasses".No
priorityclassesSyncs created priority classes from virtual cluster to host clusterNo
networkpoliciesSyncs created network policies from virtual cluster to host clusterNo
volumesnapshotsEnables volumesnapshot, volumesnapshotcontents and volumesnapshotclasses support. Syncing behaves similar to persistentvolumeclaims, persistentvolumes and storage classes. For more information see storage.No
poddisruptionbudgetsSyncs created poddisruptionbudgets from virtual cluster to host clusterNo
serviceaccountsSyncs created service accounts from virtual cluster to host cluster. This is useful for using IAM roles for service accounts with vClusterNo
csidriversMirrors CSIDriver objects from host cluster to vCluster. Enabled automatically when virtual scheduler is enabled. Disabling this syncer while using virtual scheduler may result in incorrect pod scheduling.No *
csinodesMirrors CSINode objects from host cluster to vCluster. Enabled automatically when virtual scheduler is enabled. Disabling this syncer while using virtual scheduler may result in incorrect pod scheduling.No *
csistoragecapacitiesMirrors CSIStorageCapacity Objects from host cluster to vCluster if the .nodeTopology matches a synced node. Enabled automatically when virtual scheduler is enabled. Disabling this syncer while using virtual scheduler may result in incorrect pod scheduling.No *

* refer to the description column for clarifying information about default behavior.

By default, vCluster runs with a minimal set of RBAC permissions to allow execution in restricted environments. Certain resources require extra permissions, which will be automatically given to the vCluster ServiceAccount if you enable the resource sync with the associated helm value