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Version: v0.20

External database

Configure this feature if you want to use an external database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.

enabled: true

Replace CONNECTION_STRING with the connection string for your database. Examples:

  • PostgreSQL: postgres://username:password@hostname:5432/vcluster-db.
  • MySQL: mysql://root:password@tcp(

After deploying your vCluster, changing the backing store of vCluster is not supported.

Vanilla Kubernetes distros​

This is a Pro feature when you are using vanilla Kubernetes (k8s) as your virtual cluster distribution.

Config reference​

external required object pro​

External defines that an external database should be used as the backend for the virtual cluster

enabled required boolean false pro​

Enabled defines if the database should be used.

dataSource required string pro​

DataSource is the kine dataSource to use for the database. This depends on the database format. This is optional for the embedded database. Examples:

  • mysql: mysql://username:password@tcp(hostname:3306)/k3s
  • postgres: postgres://username:password@hostname:5432/k3s

keyFile required string pro​

KeyFile is the key file to use for the database. This is optional.

certFile required string pro​

CertFile is the cert file to use for the database. This is optional.

caFile required string pro​

CaFile is the ca file to use for the database. This is optional.