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Workload Service Account

This has similar usage to controlPlane.advanced.serviceAccount but for use with workloads deployed to the virtual cluster.


If syncing ServiceAccount resources from the virtual cluster to the host cluster is enabled, the workloadServiceAccount setting is ignored.

Config reference​

workloadServiceAccount required object pro​

WorkloadServiceAccount specifies options for the service account that will be used for the workloads that run within the virtual cluster.

enabled required boolean true pro​

Enabled specifies if the service account for the workloads should get deployed.

name required string pro​

Name specifies what name to use for the service account for the virtual cluster workloads.

imagePullSecrets required object[] pro​

ImagePullSecrets defines extra image pull secrets for the workload service account.

name required string pro​

Name of the image pull secret to use.

annotations required object {} pro​

Annotations are extra annotations for this resource.

labels required object {} pro​

Labels are extra labels for this resource.