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Version: v0.21

CSI Nodes

Sync CSINode resources from the host cluster to the virtual cluster. Use this in conjunction with the virtual scheduler inside of vCluster for more advanced scheduling needs. Syncing the CSINode resources from the host helps the virtual scheduler make decisions about which node to schedule pods to.

Default value​

Default: enabled: auto.

Sync CSINodes from the host to virtual cluster​

Configure enabled: true if you aren't using the virtual schedular but want to sync CSINode resources.

enabled: true

Config reference​

csiNodes required object pro​

CSINodes defines if csi nodes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back. If auto, is automatically enabled when the virtual scheduler is enabled.

enabled required string|boolean auto pro​

Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.

patches required object[] pro​

Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.

path required string pro​

Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.

expression required string pro​

Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.

reverseExpression required string pro​

ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.

reference required object pro​

Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.

apiVersion required string pro​

APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.

apiVersionPath required string pro​

APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.

kind required string pro​

Kind is the kind of the referenced object.

kindPath required string pro​

KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.

namePath required string pro​

NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.

namespacePath required string pro​

NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the metadata.namespace path of the object.

labels required object pro​

Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.