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vcluster create --help

Create a new virtual cluster


vcluster create VCLUSTER_NAME [flags]
################### vcluster create ###################
Creates a new virtual cluster

vcluster create test --namespace test


      --add                               Adds the virtual cluster automatically to the current vCluster platform when using helm driver (default true)
--annotations strings [PLATFORM] Comma separated annotations to apply to the virtualclusterinstance
--background-proxy Try to use a background-proxy to access the vCluster. Only works if docker is installed and reachable (default true)
--chart-name string The virtual cluster chart name to use (default "vcluster")
--chart-repo string The virtual cluster chart repo to use (default "")
--chart-version string The virtual cluster chart version to use (e.g. v0.9.1)
--cluster string [PLATFORM] The vCluster platform connected cluster to use
--connect If true will run vcluster connect directly after the vcluster was created (default true)
--create-context If the CLI should create a kube context for the space (default true)
--create-namespace If true the namespace will be created if it does not exist (default true)
--description string [PLATFORM] The description to show in the platform UI for this virtual cluster
--display-name string [PLATFORM] The display name to show in the platform UI for this virtual cluster
--driver string The driver to use for managing the virtual cluster, can be either helm or platform.
--expose If true will create a load balancer service to expose the vcluster endpoint
-h, --help help for create
--kube-config-context-name string If set, will override the context name of the generated virtual cluster kube config with this name
--kubernetes-version string The kubernetes version to use (e.g. v1.20). Patch versions are not supported
-l, --labels strings [PLATFORM] Comma separated labels to apply to the virtualclusterinstance
--link stringArray [PLATFORM] A link to add to the vCluster. E.g. --link 'prod='
--parameters string [PLATFORM] If a template is used, this can be used to use a file for the parameters. E.g. --parameters path/to/my/file.yaml
--params string [PLATFORM] If a template is used, this can be used to use a file for the parameters. E.g. --params path/to/my/file.yaml
--print If enabled, prints the context to the console
--project string [PLATFORM] The vCluster platform project to use
--recreate [PLATFORM] If enabled and there already exists a virtual cluster with this name, it will be deleted first
--set stringArray Set values for helm. E.g. --set 'persistence.enabled=true'
--set-param stringArray [PLATFORM] If a template is used, this can be used to set a specific parameter. E.g. --set-param 'my-param=my-value'
--set-parameter stringArray [PLATFORM] If a template is used, this can be used to set a specific parameter. E.g. --set-parameter 'my-param=my-value'
--skip-wait [PLATFORM] If true, will not wait until the virtual cluster is running
--switch-context If the CLI should switch the current context to the new context (default true)
--team string [PLATFORM] The team to create the space for
--template string [PLATFORM] The vCluster platform template to use
--template-version string [PLATFORM] The vCluster platform template version to use
--update-current If true updates the current kube config (default true)
--upgrade If true will try to upgrade the vcluster instead of failing if it already exists
--use [PLATFORM] If the platform should use the virtual cluster if its already there
--user string [PLATFORM] The user to create the space for
-f, --values stringArray Path where to load extra helm values from

Global & Inherited Flags​

      --config string       The vcluster CLI config to use (will be created if it does not exist) (default "/Users/ryanswanson/.vcluster/config.json")
--context string The kubernetes config context to use
--debug Prints the stack trace if an error occurs
--log-output string The log format to use. Can be either plain, raw or json (default "plain")
-n, --namespace string The kubernetes namespace to use
-s, --silent Run in silent mode and prevents any vcluster log output except panics & fatals