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vcluster pro connect cluster --help


vcluster pro connect cluster is only available in the enterprise-ready vCluster.Pro offering.

connect current cluster to vCluster.Pro


vcluster pro connect cluster [flags]
############ vcluster pro connect cluster #############
Connect a cluster to the vCluster.Pro instance.

vcluster pro connect cluster my-cluster


      --context string           The kube context to use for installation
--display-name string The display name to show in the UI for this cluster
-h, --help help for cluster
--namespace string The namespace to generate the service account in. The namespace will be created if it does not exist (default "loft")
--service-account string The service account name to create (default "loft-admin")
--wait If true, will wait until the cluster is initialized

Global & Inherited Flags​

      --debug               Prints the stack trace if an error occurs
--log-output string The log format to use. Can be either plain, raw or json (default "plain")
-s, --silent Run in silent mode and prevents any vcluster log output except panics & fatals