vcluster.yaml configuration reference
Create a virtual cluster with a config file​
Pre-v0.20.0 values.yaml
files are not equivalent to vcluster.yaml
with v0.20.0. If you are moving from vCluster 0.19.x to 0.20+, see the conversion guide for how to automatically convert your existing values.yaml
configuration file to the new vcluster.yaml
Configure your vCluster installation in an optional vcluster.yaml
configuration file. Then deploy your changes.
- vCluster CLI
- Helm
- Terraform
- Argo CD
- Cluster API
To keep the same version of your vCluster, your CLI needs to be the same version as your virtual cluster.
vcluster create --upgrade <VCLUSTER_NAME> -n <VCLUSTER_NAMESPACE> -f vcluster.yaml
with the name of the vCluster instance to update.<VCLUSTER_NAMESPACE>
with the namespace where the vCluster instance is deployed.
helm upgrade --install <VCLUSTER_NAME> vcluster \
--values vcluster.yaml \
--repo \
--namespace <VCLUSTER_NAMESPACE> \
with the name of the vCluster instance to update.<VCLUSTER_NAMESPACE>
with the namespace where the vCluster instance is deployed.
Generate a new plan with your updated
.terraform plan
Verify that the provider can access your cluster and that the proposed changes are correct.
Apply your new changes.
terraform apply
The steps assume that you have the terraform file that you initially deployed your terraform resource from.
Commit and push your updated
to your configured ArgoCD repository.Synchronize your ArgoCD repository with your configured cluster.
Learn more about Cluster API Provider for vCluster.
Install the vCluster provider.
clusterctl init --infrastructure vcluster:v0.2.0
Export environment variables to be used by the cluster API provider to create an updated manifest. The manifest will be applied to your Kubernetes cluster, which will update your vCluster with the updated configuration options.
# Replace <VCLUSTER_NAME> and <VCLUSTER_NAMESPACE> with values of the vCluster that you are updating
# Since the vcluster.yaml has changed, you'll need to re-export it to the updated vcluster.yaml
export VCLUSTER_YAML=$(awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' vcluster.yaml)Replace:
with the name of the vCluster instance to update.<VCLUSTER_NAMESPACE>
with the namespace where the vCluster instance is deployed.
Regenerate the manifest and apply the updated manifest.
clusterctl generate cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--infrastructure vcluster \
--target-namespace ${CLUSTER_NAMESPACE} \
| kubectl apply -f -Kubernetes VersionThe Kubernetes version for the vCluster is not set at the CAPI provider command. It is configured the
file based on your Kubernetes distribution.Wait for vCluster to be updated by watching for the vCluster custom resource to report a
status.kubectl wait --for=condition=ready vcluster -n $CLUSTER_NAMESPACE $CLUSTER_NAME --timeout=300s
What is the vcluster.yaml file?​
The vcluster.yaml
file holds your vCluster configuration and can override the vCluster defaults. If you are familiar with helm, the vcluster.yaml
can be used interchangeably with values.yaml
and since all vCluster deployment methods are using helm under the hood it behaves the same way. The default values for vCluster you can find in the vCluster repo chart folder. We also publish a vcluster.yaml
json schema within the vCluster helm chart that will be used for validating the vcluster.yaml
Config reference​
required object pro​
ExportKubeConfig describes how vCluster should export the vCluster kubeConfig file.
required object pro​context
required string pro​
Context is the name of the context within the generated kubeconfig to use.
required string pro​server
required string pro​
Override the default https://localhost:8443 and specify a custom hostname for the generated kubeconfig.
required string pro​insecure
required boolean false pro​
If tls should get skipped for the server
required boolean false pro​serviceAccount
required object pro​
ServiceAccount can be used to generate a service account token instead of the default certificates.
required object pro​name
required string pro​
Name of the service account to be used to generate a service account token instead of the default certificates.
required string pro​namespace
required string pro​
Namespace of the service account to be used to generate a service account token instead of the default certificates.
If omitted, will use the kube-system namespace.
required string pro​clusterRole
required string pro​
ClusterRole to assign to the service account.
required string pro​secret
required object pro​
Declare in which host cluster secret vCluster should store the generated virtual cluster kubeconfig.
If this is not defined, vCluster will create it with vc-NAME
. If you specify another name,
vCluster creates the config in this other secret.
required object pro​vc-NAME
. If you specify another name,
vCluster creates the config in this other
required string pro​
Name is the name of the secret where the kubeconfig should get stored.
required string pro​namespace
required string pro​
Namespace where vCluster should store the kubeconfig secret. If this is not equal to the namespace
where you deployed vCluster, you need to make sure vCluster has access to this other namespace.
required string pro​integrations
required object pro​
Integrations holds config for vCluster integrations with other operators or tools running on the host cluster
required object pro​metricsServer
required object pro​
MetricsServer reuses the metrics server from the host cluster within the vCluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled signals the metrics server integration should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​apiService
required object pro​
APIService holds information about where to find the metrics-server service. Defaults to metrics-server/kube-system.
required object pro​service
required object pro​
Service is a reference to the service for the API server.
required object pro​nodes
required boolean true pro​
Nodes defines if metrics-server nodes api should get proxied from host to virtual cluster.
required boolean true pro​pods
required boolean true pro​
Pods defines if metrics-server pods api should get proxied from host to virtual cluster.
required boolean true pro​kubeVirt
required object pro​
KubeVirt reuses a host kubevirt and makes certain CRDs from it available inside the vCluster
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled signals if the integration should be enabled
required boolean false pro​apiService
required object pro​
APIService holds information about where to find the virt-api service. Defaults to virt-api/kubevirt.
required object pro​service
required object pro​
Service is a reference to the service for the API server.
required object pro​webhook
required object pro​
Webhook holds configuration for enabling the webhook within the vCluster
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​sync
required object pro​
Sync holds configuration on what resources to sync
required object pro​dataVolumes
required object pro​
If DataVolumes should get synced
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​virtualMachineInstanceMigrations
required object pro​
If VirtualMachineInstanceMigrations should get synced
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​virtualMachineInstances
required object pro​
If VirtualMachineInstances should get synced
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​virtualMachines
required object pro​
If VirtualMachines should get synced
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​externalSecrets
required object pro​
ExternalSecrets reuses a host external secret operator and makes certain CRDs from it available inside the vCluster
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines whether the external secret integration is enabled or not
required boolean false pro​webhook
required object pro​
Webhook defines whether the host webhooks are reused or not
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​sync
required object pro​
Sync defines the syncing behavior for the integration
required object pro​externalSecrets
required object pro​
ExternalSecrets defines whether to sync external secrets or not
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​stores
required object pro​
Stores defines whether to sync stores or not
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​clusterStores
required object pro​
ClusterStores defines whether to sync cluster stores or not
required object pro​certManager
required object pro​
CertManager reuses a host cert-manager and makes its CRDs from it available inside the vCluster.
- Certificates and Issuers will be synced from the virtual cluster to the host cluster.
- ClusterIssuers will be synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​sync
required object pro​
Sync contains advanced configuration for syncing cert-manager resources.
required object pro​toHost
required object pro​
required object pro​sync
required object pro​
Sync describes how to sync resources from the virtual cluster to host cluster and back.
required object pro​toHost
required object pro​
Configure resources to sync from the virtual cluster to the host cluster.
required object pro​pods
required object pro​
Pods defines if pods created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled defines if pod syncing should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​translateImage
required object {} pro​
TranslateImage maps an image to another image that should be used instead. For example this can be used to rewrite
a certain image that is used within the virtual cluster to be another image on the host cluster
required object {} pro​enforceTolerations
required string[] [] pro​
EnforceTolerations will add the specified tolerations to all pods synced by the virtual cluster.
required string[] [] pro​useSecretsForSATokens
required boolean false pro​
UseSecretsForSATokens will use secrets to save the generated service account tokens by virtual cluster instead of using a
pod annotation.
required boolean false pro​runtimeClassName
required string pro​
RuntimeClassName is the runtime class to set for synced pods.
required string pro​priorityClassName
required string pro​
PriorityClassName is the priority class to set for synced pods.
required string pro​rewriteHosts
required object pro​
RewriteHosts is a special option needed to rewrite statefulset containers to allow the correct FQDN. virtual cluster will add
a small container to each stateful set pod that will initially rewrite the /etc/hosts file to match the FQDN expected by
the virtual cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled specifies if rewriting stateful set pods should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​initContainer
required object pro​
InitContainer holds extra options for the init container used by vCluster to rewrite the FQDN for stateful set pods.
required object pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​secrets
required object pro​
Secrets defines if secrets created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​all
required boolean false pro​
All defines if all resources of that type should get synced or only the necessary ones that are needed.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​configMaps
required object pro​
ConfigMaps defines if config maps created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​all
required boolean false pro​
All defines if all resources of that type should get synced or only the necessary ones that are needed.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​ingresses
required object pro​
Ingresses defines if ingresses created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​services
required object pro​
Services defines if services created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​endpoints
required object pro​
Endpoints defines if endpoints created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​networkPolicies
required object pro​
NetworkPolicies defines if network policies created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​persistentVolumeClaims
required object pro​
PersistentVolumeClaims defines if persistent volume claims created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​persistentVolumes
required object pro​
PersistentVolumes defines if persistent volumes created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​volumeSnapshots
required object pro​
VolumeSnapshots defines if volume snapshots created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​volumeSnapshotContents
required object pro​
VolumeSnapshotContents defines if volume snapshot contents created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​storageClasses
required object pro​
StorageClasses defines if storage classes created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​serviceAccounts
required object pro​
ServiceAccounts defines if service accounts created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​podDisruptionBudgets
required object pro​
PodDisruptionBudgets defines if pod disruption budgets created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​priorityClasses
required object pro​
PriorityClasses defines if priority classes created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​customResources
required {key: object} pro​
CustomResources defines what custom resources should get synced from the virtual cluster to the host cluster. vCluster will copy the definition automatically from host cluster to virtual cluster on startup.
vCluster will also automatically add any required RBAC permissions to the vCluster role for this to work.
required {key: object} pro​enabled
required boolean pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean pro​scope
required string pro​
Scope defines the scope of the resource. If undefined, will use Namespaced. Currently only Namespaced is supported.
required string pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​fromHost
required object pro​
Configure what resources vCluster should sync from the host cluster to the virtual cluster.
required object pro​nodes
required object pro​
Nodes defines if nodes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled specifies if syncing real nodes should be enabled. If this is disabled, vCluster will create fake nodes instead.
required boolean false pro​syncBackChanges
required boolean false pro​
SyncBackChanges enables syncing labels and taints from the virtual cluster to the host cluster. If this is enabled someone within the virtual cluster will be able to change the labels and taints of the host cluster node.
required boolean false pro​clearImageStatus
required boolean false pro​
ClearImageStatus will erase the image status when syncing a node. This allows to hide images that are pulled by the node.
required boolean false pro​selector
required object pro​
Selector can be used to define more granular what nodes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster.
required object pro​all
required boolean false pro​
All specifies if all nodes should get synced by vCluster from the host to the virtual cluster or only the ones where pods are assigned to.
required boolean false pro​labels
required object {} pro​
Labels are the node labels used to sync nodes from host cluster to virtual cluster. This will also set the node selector when syncing a pod from virtual cluster to host cluster to the same value.
required object {} pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​events
required object pro​
Events defines if events should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean true pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean true pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​ingressClasses
required object pro​
IngressClasses defines if ingress classes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​runtimeClasses
required object pro​
RuntimeClasses defines if runtime classes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​priorityClasses
required object pro​
PriorityClasses defines if priority classes classes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​storageClasses
required object pro​
StorageClasses defines if storage classes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back. If auto, is automatically enabled when the virtual scheduler is enabled.
required object pro​enabled
required string|boolean auto pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required string|boolean auto pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​csiNodes
required object pro​
CSINodes defines if csi nodes should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back. If auto, is automatically enabled when the virtual scheduler is enabled.
required object pro​enabled
required string|boolean auto pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required string|boolean auto pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​csiDrivers
required object pro​
CSIDrivers defines if csi drivers should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back. If auto, is automatically enabled when the virtual scheduler is enabled.
required object pro​enabled
required string|boolean auto pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required string|boolean auto pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​csiStorageCapacities
required object pro​
CSIStorageCapacities defines if csi storage capacities should get synced from the host cluster to the virtual cluster, but not back. If auto, is automatically enabled when the virtual scheduler is enabled.
required object pro​enabled
required string|boolean auto pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required string|boolean auto pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​customResources
required {key: object} pro​
CustomResources defines what custom resources should get synced read-only to the virtual cluster from the host cluster. vCluster will automatically add any required RBAC to the vCluster cluster role.
required {key: object} pro​enabled
required boolean pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean pro​scope
required string pro​
Scope defines the scope of the resource
required string pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​mappings
required object pro​
Mappings for Namespace and Object
required object pro​byName
required object pro​
ByName is a map of host-object-namespace/host-object-name: virtual-object-namespace/virtual-object-name.
There are several wildcards supported:
- To match all objects in host namespace and sync them to different namespace in vCluster:
"foo/": "foo-in-virtual/"
- To match specific object in the host namespace and sync it to the same namespace with the same name:
"foo/my-object": "foo/my-object"
- To match specific object in the host namespace and sync it to the same namespace with different name:
"foo/my-object": "foo/my-virtual-object"
- To match all objects in the vCluster host namespace and sync them to a different namespace in vCluster:
"": "my-virtual-namespace/*"
- To match specific objects in the vCluster host namespace and sync them to a different namespace in vCluster:
"/my-object": "my-virtual-namespace/my-object"
required object pro​volumeSnapshotClasses
required object pro​
VolumeSnapshotClasses defines if volume snapshot classes created within the virtual cluster should get synced to the host cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​configMaps
required object pro​
ConfigMaps defines if config maps in the host should get synced to the virtual cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​mappings
required object pro​
Mappings for Namespace and Object
required object pro​byName
required object {} pro​
ByName is a map of host-object-namespace/host-object-name: virtual-object-namespace/virtual-object-name.
There are several wildcards supported:
- To match all objects in host namespace and sync them to different namespace in vCluster:
"foo/": "foo-in-virtual/"
- To match specific object in the host namespace and sync it to the same namespace with the same name:
"foo/my-object": "foo/my-object"
- To match specific object in the host namespace and sync it to the same namespace with different name:
"foo/my-object": "foo/my-virtual-object"
- To match all objects in the vCluster host namespace and sync them to a different namespace in vCluster:
"": "my-virtual-namespace/*"
- To match specific objects in the vCluster host namespace and sync them to a different namespace in vCluster:
"/my-object": "my-virtual-namespace/my-object"
required object {} pro​secrets
required object pro​
Secrets defines if secrets in the host should get synced to the virtual cluster.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if this option should be enabled.
required boolean false pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches patch the resource according to the provided specification.
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the patch to target. If the path is not found within the patch, the patch is not applied.
required string pro​expression
required string pro​
Expression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reverseExpression
required string pro​
ReverseExpression transforms the value according to the given JavaScript expression.
required string pro​reference
required object pro​
Reference treats the path value as a reference to another object and will rewrite it based on the chosen mode
automatically. In single-namespace mode this will translate the name to "vxxxxxxxxx" to avoid conflicts with
other names, in multi-namespace mode this will not translate the name.
required object pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion is the apiVersion of the referenced object.
required string pro​apiVersionPath
required string pro​
APIVersionPath is optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If APIVersionPath is not found, will fallback to apiVersion.
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is the kind of the referenced object.
required string pro​kindPath
required string pro​
KindPath is the optional relative path to use to determine the kind. If KindPath is not found, will fallback to kind.
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the optional relative path to the reference name within the object.
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is the optional relative path to the reference namespace within the object. If omitted or not found, namespacePath equals to the
metadata.namespace path of the object.
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Labels treats the path value as a labels selector.
required object pro​mappings
required object pro​
Mappings for Namespace and Object
required object pro​byName
required object {} pro​
ByName is a map of host-object-namespace/host-object-name: virtual-object-namespace/virtual-object-name.
There are several wildcards supported:
- To match all objects in host namespace and sync them to different namespace in vCluster:
"foo/": "foo-in-virtual/"
- To match specific object in the host namespace and sync it to the same namespace with the same name:
"foo/my-object": "foo/my-object"
- To match specific object in the host namespace and sync it to the same namespace with different name:
"foo/my-object": "foo/my-virtual-object"
- To match all objects in the vCluster host namespace and sync them to a different namespace in vCluster:
"": "my-virtual-namespace/*"
- To match specific objects in the vCluster host namespace and sync them to a different namespace in vCluster:
"/my-object": "my-virtual-namespace/my-object"
required object {} pro​networking
required object pro​
Networking options related to the virtual cluster.
required object pro​replicateServices
required object pro​
ReplicateServices allows replicating services from the host within the virtual cluster or the other way around.
required object pro​toHost
required object[] pro​
ToHost defines the services that should get synced from virtual cluster to the host cluster. If services are
synced to a different namespace than the virtual cluster is in, additional permissions for the other namespace
are required.
required object[] pro​fromHost
required object[] pro​
FromHost defines the services that should get synced from the host to the virtual cluster.
required object[] pro​resolveDNS
required object[] pro​
ResolveDNS allows to define extra DNS rules. This only works if embedded coredns is configured.
required object[] pro​hostname
required string pro​
Hostname is the hostname within the vCluster that should be resolved from.
required string pro​service
required string pro​
Service is the virtual cluster service that should be resolved from.
required string pro​namespace
required string pro​
Namespace is the virtual cluster namespace that should be resolved from.
required string pro​target
required object pro​
Target is the DNS target that should get mapped to
required object pro​hostname
required string pro​
Hostname to use as a DNS target
required string pro​ip
required string pro​
IP to use as a DNS target
required string pro​hostService
required string pro​
HostService to target, format is hostNamespace/hostService
required string pro​hostNamespace
required string pro​
HostNamespace to target
required string pro​vClusterService
required string pro​
VClusterService format is hostNamespace/vClusterName/vClusterNamespace/vClusterService
required string pro​advanced
required object pro​
Advanced holds advanced network options.
required object pro​clusterDomain
required string cluster.local pro​
ClusterDomain is the Kubernetes cluster domain to use within the virtual cluster.
required string cluster.local pro​fallbackHostCluster
required boolean false pro​
FallbackHostCluster allows to fallback dns to the host cluster. This is useful if you want to reach host services without
any other modification. You will need to provide a namespace for the service, e.g.
required boolean false pro​proxyKubelets
required object pro​
ProxyKubelets allows rewriting certain metrics and stats from the Kubelet to "fake" this for applications such as
prometheus or other node exporters.
required object pro​byHostname
required boolean true pro​
ByHostname will add a special vCluster hostname to the nodes where the node can be reached at. This doesn't work
for all applications, e.g. Prometheus requires a node IP.
required boolean true pro​byIP
required boolean true pro​
ByIP will create a separate service in the host cluster for every node that will point to virtual cluster and will be used to
route traffic.
required boolean true pro​policies
required object pro​
Policies to enforce for the virtual cluster deployment as well as within the virtual cluster.
required object pro​networkPolicy
required object pro​
NetworkPolicy specifies network policy options.
required object pro​enabled
required boolean false pro​
Enabled defines if the network policy should be deployed by vCluster.
required boolean false pro​fallbackDns
required string pro​
required string pro​outgoingConnections
required object pro​
required object pro​ipBlock
required object pro​
IPBlock describes a particular CIDR (Ex. "","2001:db8::/64") that is allowed
to the pods matched by a NetworkPolicySpec's podSelector. The except entry describes CIDRs
that should not be included within this rule.
required object pro​cidr
required string pro​
cidr is a string representing the IPBlock
Valid examples are "" or "2001:db8::/64"
required string pro​except
required string[] [] pro​
except is a slice of CIDRs that should not be included within an IPBlock
Valid examples are "" or "2001:db8::/64"
Except values will be rejected if they are outside the cidr range
required string[] [] pro​platform
required boolean true pro​
Platform enables egress access towards loft platform
required boolean true pro​annotations
required object {} pro​
Annotations are extra annotations for this resource.
required object {} pro​labels
required object {} pro​
Labels are extra labels for this resource.
required object {} pro​podSecurityStandard
required string pro​
PodSecurityStandard that can be enforced can be one of: empty (""), baseline, restricted or privileged
required string pro​resourceQuota
required object pro​
ResourceQuota specifies resource quota options.
required object pro​enabled
required string|boolean auto pro​
Enabled defines if the resource quota should be enabled. "auto" means that if limitRange is enabled,
the resourceQuota will be enabled as well.
required string|boolean auto pro​quota
required object map[count/configmaps:100 count/endpoints:40 count/persistentvolumeclaims:20 count/pods:20 count/secrets:100 count/services:20 limits.cpu:20 limits.ephemeral-storage:160Gi limits.memory:40Gi requests.cpu:10 requests.ephemeral-storage:60Gi requests.memory:20Gi services.loadbalancers:1 services.nodeports:0] pro​
Quota are the quota options
required object map[count/configmaps:100 count/endpoints:40 count/persistentvolumeclaims:20 count/pods:20 count/secrets:100 count/services:20 limits.cpu:20 limits.ephemeral-storage:160Gi limits.memory:40Gi requests.cpu:10 requests.ephemeral-storage:60Gi requests.memory:20Gi services.loadbalancers:1 services.nodeports:0] pro​scopeSelector
required object map[matchExpressions:[]] pro​
ScopeSelector is the resource quota scope selector
required object map[matchExpressions:[]] pro​scopes
required string[] [] pro​
Scopes are the resource quota scopes
required string[] [] pro​annotations
required object {} pro​
Annotations are extra annotations for this resource.
required object {} pro​labels
required object {} pro​
Labels are extra labels for this resource.
required object {} pro​limitRange
required object pro​
LimitRange specifies limit range options.
required object pro​enabled
required string|boolean auto pro​
Enabled defines if the limit range should be deployed by vCluster. "auto" means that if resourceQuota is enabled,
the limitRange will be enabled as well.
required string|boolean auto pro​default
required object map[cpu:1 ephemeral-storage:8Gi memory:512Mi] pro​
Default are the default limits for the limit range
required object map[cpu:1 ephemeral-storage:8Gi memory:512Mi] pro​defaultRequest
required object map[cpu:100m ephemeral-storage:3Gi memory:128Mi] pro​
DefaultRequest are the default request options for the limit range
required object map[cpu:100m ephemeral-storage:3Gi memory:128Mi] pro​max
required object {} pro​
Max are the max limits for the limit range
required object {} pro​min
required object {} pro​
Min are the min limits for the limit range
required object {} pro​annotations
required object {} pro​
Annotations are extra annotations for this resource.
required object {} pro​labels
required object {} pro​
Labels are extra labels for this resource.
required object {} pro​centralAdmission
required object pro​
CentralAdmission defines what validating or mutating webhooks should be enforced within the virtual cluster.
required object pro​validatingWebhooks
required object[] pro​
ValidatingWebhooks are validating webhooks that should be enforced in the virtual cluster
required object[] pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents.
Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to.
required string pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object.
Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and
may reject unrecognized values.
required string pro​metadata
required object pro​
Standard object metadata; More info:
required object pro​name
required string pro​
Name must be unique within a namespace. Is required when creating resources, although
some resources may allow a client to request the generation of an appropriate name
automatically. Name is primarily intended for creation idempotence and configuration
required string pro​labels
required object pro​
Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize
(scope and select) objects. May match selectors of replication controllers
and services.
required object pro​annotations
required object pro​
Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that may be
set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata.
required object pro​webhooks
required object[] pro​
Webhooks is a list of webhooks and the affected resources and operations.
required object[] pro​name
required string pro​
The name of the admission webhook.
Name should be fully qualified, e.g.,, where
"imagepolicy" is the name of the webhook, and is the name
of the organization.
required string pro​