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Version: v0.24 Stable


Configure this when you want vCluster to deploy an Ingress resource to expose the virtual cluster's API server at a hostname. The cluster must have an ingress controller running and a LoadBalancer Service.

This feature is not the same as syncing Ingress resources between the host and virtual clusters. See sync.fromHost.ingressClasses and sync.toHost.ingresses.

vCluster uses a default rule, which uses the and ingress.pathType configuration. When configure ingress.spec.rules, vCluster ignores and ingress.pathType.

Config reference​

ingress required object pro​

Ingress defines options for vCluster ingress deployed by Helm.

enabled required boolean false pro​

Enabled defines if the control plane ingress should be enabled

host required string pro​

Host is the host where vCluster will be reachable

pathType required string ImplementationSpecific pro​

PathType is the path type of the ingress

spec required object map[tls:[]] pro​

Spec allows you to configure extra ingress options.

annotations required object map[] pro​

Annotations are extra annotations for this resource.

labels required object {} pro​

Labels are extra labels for this resource.