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Version: v0.24 Stable

Multiple namespace mode config

By default, all namespaced resources that need to be synced to the host cluster are created in the namespace where vCluster is installed. vCluster avoids naming conflicts where multiple resources could have the same name in different namespaces by rewriting the name of the resource in the host cluster.

For example, a pod within the vCluster called test in namespace my-namespace is rewritten for the host cluster to test-x-my-namespace-x-my-vcluster to avoid conflicts with other pods that would be named test in another namespace within the vCluster.

Because vCluster rewrites the resource name, all references from other objects to that resource will need to get rewritten as well. vCluster does this already for all core resources, e.g. mounting a secret in a pod within the vCluster is automatically rewritten to the correct secret name on the host cluster (without seeing that inside the vCluster).

However, when using features such as syncing custom resources, it can be tedious to add all used references, or it can become very difficult or even impossible to rewrite certain references.

Hence, vCluster offers a second mode of operation, Multi-Namespace-Mode which is more tailored towards syncing custom resources. In multi-namespace mode, vCluster will create a namespace in the host cluster for each namespace in the virtual cluster. The namespace name is modified to avoid conflicts between multiple vCluster instances in the same host, but the synced namespaced resources are created with the same name as in the virtual cluster.

This is useful to easier sync custom CRDs since you don't need to rewrite most references as if you use a single namespace as sync target.


Do not switch the vCluster mode in an already running vCluster, this will cause serious data loss!

Single-Namespace Mode vs Multi-Namespace Mode​

Single-Namespace Mode (default)​

Choose this if you:​

  • Not want to sync any CRDs or just CRDs with only a few references to other resources (e.g. Cert Manager or External Secrets)
  • Not have any global cluster permissions


  • No cluster-level permissions required
  • Single namespace per vCluster
  • Easier isolation (single resource quota, limit range etc. per vCluster)


  • Resource names on the host cluster are called differently than in the vCluster
  • More complex to sync complex CRDs because of rewritten names (need to configure references on CRDs)

Multi-Namespace Mode​

Choose this if you:​

  • Want to sync more complex CRDs (e.g. Knative, Zalando Postgresql or Tekton)
  • Are fine with vCluster creating new namespaces on its own


  • Resource names on the host cluster are called the same than in the vCluster
  • Easier to sync CRDs (no need to configure references)
  • Easier migration of resources into the vCluster


  • Requires global cluster permissions
  • More effort to isolate multiple namespaces via quotas & policies

Enabling Multi-Namespace-Mode​

To enable multi-namespace-mode, just enable the following setting in your vcluster.yaml:

enabled: true

Example with syncing Cert-Manager resources​

Enterprise-Only Feature

This feature is an Enterprise feature. See our pricing plans or contact our sales team for more information.

1. Install cert-manager on your host cluster​

Ensure that you have cert-manager installed and running on your host cluster. Use your preferred method of installing cert-manager.

2. Install vCluster​

Use following vcluster.yaml to create virtual cluster on your host. Save this file as vcluster.yaml

enabled: true

# sync all secrets
all: true

# sync ingresses and allow "" annotation
enabled: true

# sync cert-manager certificates
enabled: true
# sync cert-manager issuers
enabled: true

# sync cert-manager cluster issuers
enabled: true
scope: Cluster

And run:

vcluster create my-vcluster -f vcluster.yaml

After you started the vCluster with the above configuration you should see that the custom resource definitions have synced:

$ kubectl get customresourcedefinitions
NAME CREATED AT 2024-08-21T14:36:07Z 2024-08-21T14:36:09Z 2024-08-21T14:36:08Z

3. Create Issuer and Certificate inside your virtual cluster​

We'll use a simple self signed certificate just to demonstrate vCluster capabilities. First, you'll need to create an Issuer resource:

kind: Issuer
name: test-selfsigned
selfSigned: {}
kubectl apply -f issuer.yaml

And then Certificate that uses our test-selfsigned Issuer:

kind: Certificate
name: test-cert
secretName: test-cert-tls
name: test-selfsigned
kind: Issuer
kubectl apply -f cert.yaml

4. Validate that Secret was created inside your virtual cluster​

Thats it! You should have now test-cert-tls Secret available inside your virtual cluster! Just run:

kubectl get secret test-cert-tls

And you should see

NAME            TYPE                DATA   AGE
test-cert-tls 3 2s

Config reference​

multiNamespaceMode required object pro​

MultiNamespaceMode tells virtual cluster to sync to multiple namespaces instead of a single one. This will map each virtual cluster namespace to a single namespace in the host cluster.

enabled required boolean false pro​

Enabled specifies if multi namespace mode should get enabled

namespaceLabels required object pro​

NamespaceLabels are extra labels that will be added by vCluster to each created namespace.