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Isolated control plane

Pro Feature

This feature is available in the vCluster Pro tier. Contact us for more details and to start a trial.

The vCluster control plane runs in one cluster, while a second, headless vCluster instance runs workloads in a separate cluster.

Key benefits​

  • Optimize resource allocation. Deploy control planes on cost-effective clusters and direct heavy-duty tasks, such as GPU-intensive workloads, to higher-performance clusters.

  • Simplify management. Offer a straightforward, enforceable, alternative to each developer managing increasingly complex amounts of taints, tolerations, or node affinities to schedule workloads to the appropriate clusters.

  • Enhance security with control. Developers can manage workloads via the control plane, even if the workloads reside in a secure zone. This eliminates the need to provide developers with direct cluster access, firewall configurations, and permissions management.

  • Divide responsibilities. Allow for a clear separation of duties, where one team oversees the control plane cluster and other teams handle the workload clusters.

Deprecated ParameterConfig Field

Configure remote virtual cluster as workload cluster​

Create a virtual cluster with the following configuration, where the headless field is set to true:

headless: true

Create a second virtual cluster with the following configuration, where the enabled field is set to true:

enabled: true

Replace the following:

  • VIRTUAL_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG: the location of the remote virtual cluster's kubeconfig file
    • Store the kubeconfig in a Secret or ConfigMap.
    • Mount the Secret or ConfigMap as a Volume available to the virtual cluster.
    • Configure the Volume as a VolumeMount in the syncer.
  • VIRTUAL_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE: the remote virtual cluster's namespace
  • VIRTUAL_CLUSTER_SERVICE: the remote vCluster Service name

Config reference​

isolatedControlPlane required object pro​

IsolatedControlPlane is a feature to run the vCluster control plane in a different Kubernetes cluster than the workloads themselves.

enabled required boolean pro​

Enabled specifies if the isolated control plane feature should be enabled.

headless required boolean false pro​

Headless states that Helm should deploy the vCluster in headless mode for the isolated control plane.

kubeConfig required string pro​

KubeConfig is the path where to find the remote workload cluster kubeconfig.

namespace required string pro​

Namespace is the namespace where to sync the workloads into.

service required string pro​

Service is the vCluster service in the remote cluster.