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Version: main 🚧

Lifecycle Policy

The following defines vCluster's lifecycle policy for releases and maintenance.

vCluster aims to release on a regular cadence and follow semantic versioning. We encourage users to run the latest stable release to stay up to date on features and security patches.

Due to the rapid development of vCluster, each minor version is actively supported for 3 months after it's been released. At the end of active support, it moves to into maintenance support for 3 months. During active support, any updates on the active development branch can be backported upon request. During maintenance support, backporting is limited only to security updates.

Any previous versions which are not on this list are no longer in any support window.

Due to the rapid development of vCluster, each minor version of vCluster is actively supported for 3 months after it's been released. At the end of active support, it moves to into maintenance support for 3 months, where only security fixes are fixed in that version. Any previous versions that are not on this list are no longer in any support window.

vCluster releases​

ReleaseReleasedActive Support End DateMaintenance Support End DateLatest Release
v0.22December 18, 2024March 18, 2025June 18, 2025v0.22.0
v0.21November 11, 2024February 11, 2025May 11, 2025v0.21.3
v0.20August 14, 2024November 14, 2024February 14, 2025v0.20.5
v0.19February 12, 2024April 1, 2025*July 1, 2025v0.19.9

* Due to the number of breaking changes from v0.19 to v0.20, v0.19 has an extended active support end date. Review the migration guide to upgrade your v0.19 to v0.20 virtual clusters.

Kubernetes compatibility matrix​

The following matrix shows the compatibility between host and virtual clusters when both are using vanilla Kubernetes. It indicates which versions of vanilla Kubernetes on the host cluster support which versions of vanilla Kubernetes on the virtual cluster.

Host K8s ↓ / vCluster k8s →v1.31v1.30v1.29v1.28


✅ : tested and verified

🆗 : likely compatible