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Enabling Audit Logging


vCluster Platform auditing provides a security-relevant, chronological set of records documenting the sequence of actions in vCluster Platform. vCluster Platform audits the activities generated by users and by applications that use the vCluster Platform API.

vCluster Platform is able to log activities related to:

  • Management Instance changes, such as creation of new virtual clusters, spaces etc.
  • Changes within a virtual cluster or space
  • Changes within a connected cluster

Auditing in vCluster Platform is very similar to auditing Kubernetes clusters in general.

Enable Auditing

vCluster Platform auditing is configured through the vCluster Platform config in the vCluster Platform UI (Admin -> Config).

An example configuration could look like:

enabled: true
level: 1
vCluster Platform Restart Required

Changing the vCluster Platform auditing configuration requires a restart to take effect. You can restart vCluster Platform either through the vCluster Platform UI or via kubectl: kubectl rollout restart deploy/loft -n loft

Each request on each stage of its execution generates an audit event, which is then pre-processed according to a certain policy and written to a backend (currently only log backends are supported). The policy determines what's recorded and the backends persist the records.

Each request can be recorded with an associated stage. The defined stages are:

  • RequestReceived - The stage for events generated as soon as the audit handler receives the request, and before it is delegated down the handler chain.
  • ResponseComplete - The response body has been completed and no more bytes will be sent.
  • Panic - Events generated when a panic occurred.

The audit logging feature increases the memory consumption of vCluster Platform because some context required for auditing is stored for each request. Memory consumption depends on the audit logging configuration.

Audit Levels

For easier configuration, vCluster Platform provides audit levels, that are preconfigured audit policies for the most common use cases. These levels range from 1 to 4 where 1 logs the fewest requests, while 4 logs the most. A more detailed description can be found below:

  • Level 1: will log modifying requests such as creation / modification or deletion of any objects
  • Level 2: like Level 1 but will also log the metadata of reading requests, such as listing pods inside a virtual cluster or space. It won't log the response or request payload and instead only the metadata such as request origin, target etc.
  • Level 3: like Level 2 but instead of only logging the request metadata will also log the complete request payload sent to vCluster Platform
  • Level 4: like Level 3 but instead of only logging metadata and request payload, will also log the response vCluster Platform has sent to the requester

For all of these levels certain internal read-only apis are not logged since those might pollute the log and drastically increase log size. If you also want to log these, please create a custom audit policy as described below.

You can configure the audit level through the vCluster Platform config, that can be modified either through the vCluster Platform UI or helm:

  1. Go to the Admin > Config view using the menu on the left.

  2. In the input field that appears, enter the following config:

    enabled: true
    level: 1
  3. Click on the button and wait until vCluster Platform has restarted.

Optional: Audit Policy


It is recommended to use audit levels instead of audit policy directly, because a policy is much more complex to define.

As an alternative to Audit levels, policy allows you to define exact rules about what events should be recorded and what data they should include. When an event is processed, it's compared against the list of rules in order. The first matching rule sets the audit granularity of the event. The defined audit granularity options are:

  • None - don't log events that match this rule.
  • Metadata - log request metadata (requesting user, timestamp, resource, verb, etc.) but not request or response body.
  • Request - log event metadata and request body but not response body. This does not apply for non-resource requests.
  • RequestResponse - log event metadata, request and response bodies. This does not apply for non-resource requests.

An example policy that catches all requests would look like this:

enabled: true
- level: Metadata
- RequestReceived

Below you can find a complete policy reference:

rules required object[] pro

Rules specify the audit Level a request should be recorded at. A request may match multiple rules, in which case the FIRST matching rule is used. The default audit level is None, but can be overridden by a catch-all rule at the end of the list. PolicyRules are strictly ordered.

level required string pro

The Level that requests matching this rule are recorded at.

users required string[] pro

The users (by authenticated user name) this rule applies to. An empty list implies every user.

userGroups required string[] pro

The user groups this rule applies to. A user is considered matching if it is a member of any of the UserGroups. An empty list implies every user group.

verbs required string[] pro

The verbs that match this rule. An empty list implies every verb.

resources required object[] pro

Resources that this rule matches. An empty list implies all kinds in all API groups.

group required string pro

Group is the name of the API group that contains the resources. The empty string represents the core API group.

resources required string[] pro

Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.

For example: 'pods' matches pods. 'pods/log' matches the log subresource of pods. '' matches all resources and their subresources. 'pods/' matches all subresources of pods. '*/scale' matches all scale subresources.

If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other.

An empty list implies all resources and subresources in this API groups apply.

resourceNames required string[] pro

ResourceNames is a list of resource instance names that the policy matches. Using this field requires Resources to be specified. An empty list implies that every instance of the resource is matched.

namespaces required string[] pro

Namespaces that this rule matches. The empty string "" matches non-namespaced resources. An empty list implies every namespace.

nonResourceURLs required string[] pro

NonResourceURLs is a set of URL paths that should be audited. s are allowed, but only as the full, final step in the path. Examples: "/metrics" - Log requests for apiserver metrics "/healthz" - Log all health checks

omitStages required string[] pro

OmitStages is a list of stages for which no events are created. Note that this can also be specified policy wide in which case the union of both are omitted. An empty list means no restrictions will apply.

requestTargets required string[] pro

RequestTargets is a list of request targets for which events are created. An empty list implies every request.

clusters required string[] pro

Clusters that this rule matches. Only applies to cluster requests. If this is set, no events for non cluster requests will be created. An empty list means no restrictions will apply.

omitStages required string[] pro

OmitStages is a list of stages for which no events are created. Note that this can also be specified per rule in which case the union of both are omitted.

Persisting Audit Logs

There are 2 ways how to persist vCluster Platform audit logs. Either you can deploy vCluster Platform with a persistent volume claim or let vCluster Platform connect to a persistent database. The PVC approach does not work for HA mode for vCluster Platform.

Deploy vCluster Platform with a PVC to save Audit Logs

Create a new values.yaml with the following values:

enabled: true
# size: 30Gi

Then apply the values via helm:

helm upgrade vcluster-platform vcluster-platform -n vcluster-platform --version 4.0.0-alpha.12 \
--repo \
--reuse-values \
-f values.yaml

Use a persistent database as vCluster Platform audit backend

Go to Admin > Config and specify the following vCluster Platform config setting:

dataStoreEndpoint: mysql://username:password@tcp(hostname:3306)/database-name

Then press Apply and wait until vCluster Platform is restarted.

Viewing and Exporting Audit Logs

By default, vCluster Platform will log audit events to the following locations:

  • To a log file in json format located at /var/log/loft/audit.log inside the vCluster Platform container. Each line inside the log represents a single audit event.
  • To an internal sqlite storage located at /var/log/loft/audit.db inside the vCluster Platform container. This sqlite database is used to display audit log events in the vCluster Platform UI. By default audit events in the sqlite are not persisted, so restarting vCluster Platform will clear the database. Instead of using a sqlite database, vCluster Platform is also able to write those events to a persistent mysql database that can be configured through the vCluster Platform config. E.g.:
enabled: true
dataStoreEndpoint: mysql://username:password@tcp(hostname:3306)/database-name

Enable Audit SideCar

To easily export the audit events to third party systems, we recommend to enable the audit log sidecar that will print all the audit events onto stdout in a separate container which then can be easily watched and exported. Enabling the sidecar is only possible through helm values.

Create a values.yaml with the following contents:

enableSideCar: true

You cannot configure this under Admin > Config, since this requires a change in the vCluster Platform deployment itself, which is why this is a helm option only

Then update the helm release via:

helm upgrade vcluster-platform vcluster-platform --namespace vcluster-platform \
--repo \
--version 4.0.0-alpha.12 \
--reuse-values \
--values values.yaml

Wait until vCluster Platform has restarted, then you can view the audit logs via:

kubectl logs -n vcluster-platform -l app=loft -c audit -f

Audit Config Reference

enabled required boolean pro

If audit is enabled and incoming api requests will be logged based on the supplied policy.

disableAgentSyncBack required boolean pro

If true, the agent will not send back any audit logs to Loft itself.

level required integer pro

Level is an optional log level for audit logs. Cannot be used together with policy

policy required object pro

The audit policy to use and log requests. By default loft will not log anything

rules required object[] pro

Rules specify the audit Level a request should be recorded at. A request may match multiple rules, in which case the FIRST matching rule is used. The default audit level is None, but can be overridden by a catch-all rule at the end of the list. PolicyRules are strictly ordered.

level required string pro

The Level that requests matching this rule are recorded at.

users required string[] pro

The users (by authenticated user name) this rule applies to. An empty list implies every user.

userGroups required string[] pro

The user groups this rule applies to. A user is considered matching if it is a member of any of the UserGroups. An empty list implies every user group.

verbs required string[] pro

The verbs that match this rule. An empty list implies every verb.

resources required object[] pro

Resources that this rule matches. An empty list implies all kinds in all API groups.

group required string pro

Group is the name of the API group that contains the resources. The empty string represents the core API group.

resources required string[] pro

Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to.

For example: 'pods' matches pods. 'pods/log' matches the log subresource of pods. '' matches all resources and their subresources. 'pods/' matches all subresources of pods. '*/scale' matches all scale subresources.

If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other.

An empty list implies all resources and subresources in this API groups apply.

resourceNames required string[] pro

ResourceNames is a list of resource instance names that the policy matches. Using this field requires Resources to be specified. An empty list implies that every instance of the resource is matched.

namespaces required string[] pro

Namespaces that this rule matches. The empty string "" matches non-namespaced resources. An empty list implies every namespace.

nonResourceURLs required string[] pro

NonResourceURLs is a set of URL paths that should be audited. s are allowed, but only as the full, final step in the path. Examples: "/metrics" - Log requests for apiserver metrics "/healthz" - Log all health checks

omitStages required string[] pro

OmitStages is a list of stages for which no events are created. Note that this can also be specified policy wide in which case the union of both are omitted. An empty list means no restrictions will apply.

requestTargets required string[] pro

RequestTargets is a list of request targets for which events are created. An empty list implies every request.

clusters required string[] pro

Clusters that this rule matches. Only applies to cluster requests. If this is set, no events for non cluster requests will be created. An empty list means no restrictions will apply.

omitStages required string[] pro

OmitStages is a list of stages for which no events are created. Note that this can also be specified per rule in which case the union of both are omitted.

dataStoreEndpoint required string pro

DataStoreEndpoint is an endpoint to store events in.

dataStoreTTL required integer pro

DataStoreMaxAge is the maximum number of hours to retain old log events in the datastore

path required string pro

The path where to save the audit log files. This is required if audit is enabled. Backup log files will be retained in the same directory.

maxAge required integer pro

MaxAge is the maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename. Note that a day is defined as 24 hours and may not exactly correspond to calendar days due to daylight savings, leap seconds, etc. The default is not to remove old log files based on age.

maxBackups required integer pro

MaxBackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain. The default is to retain all old log files (though MaxAge may still cause them to get deleted.)

maxSize required integer pro

MaxSize is the maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated. It defaults to 100 megabytes.

compress required boolean pro

Compress determines if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip. The default is not to perform compression.

How does Audit Logging work for Direct Cluster Endpoints?

If the direct cluster endpoint feature is enabled, vCluster Platform audit configuration is synced to each agent and each vCluster Platform agent will propagate audit events that it receives back to the central vCluster Platform instance, which then logs it as a regular audit event. Such "propagated" events can be identified through the identifier in an audit event.

Disable Agent Sync Back

You can disable event sync back from the agent to the central vCluster Platform instance via the audit config option disableAgentSyncBack.