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vcluster connect --help

Connect to a virtual cluster


vcluster connect VCLUSTER_NAME [flags]
################## vcluster connect ###################
Connect to a virtual cluster

vcluster connect test --namespace test
# Open a new bash with the vcluster KUBECONFIG defined
vcluster connect test -n test -- bash
vcluster connect test -n test -- kubectl get ns


      --address string                    The local address to start port forwarding under
--background-proxy If specified, vcluster will create the background proxy in docker [its mainly used for vclusters with no nodeport service.]
--cluster-role string If specified, vcluster will create the service account if it does not exist and also add a cluster role binding for the given cluster role to it. Requires --service-account to be set
-h, --help help for connect
--insecure If specified, vcluster will create the kube config with insecure-skip-tls-verify
--kube-config string Writes the created kube config to this file (default "./kubeconfig.yaml")
--kube-config-context-name string If set, will override the context name of the generated virtual cluster kube config with this name
--local-port int The local port to forward the virtual cluster to. If empty, vcluster will use a random unused port
--pod string The pod to connect to
--print When enabled prints the context to stdout
--project string [PRO] The pro project the vcluster is in
--server string The server to connect to
--service-account string If specified, vcluster will create a service account token to connect to the virtual cluster instead of using the default client cert / key. Service account must exist and can be used as namespace/name.
--token-expiration int If specified, vcluster will create the service account token for the given duration in seconds. Defaults to eternal
--update-current If true updates the current kube config (default true)

Global & Inherited Flags

      --context string      The kubernetes config context to use
--debug Prints the stack trace if an error occurs
--log-output string The log format to use. Can be either plain, raw or json (default "plain")
-n, --namespace string The kubernetes namespace to use
-s, --silent Run in silent mode and prevents any vcluster log output except panics & fatals