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Enable or disable synced resources

To enable a resource synchronization, for example persistent volumes, and automatically create the necessary RBAC permissions, add the following to your values.yaml:

enabled: true

then create or upgrade the vCluster with:

vcluster create my-vcluster --upgrade -f values.yaml

To disable a resource that is synced by default, for example if you don't want to sync services, set the following in your values.yaml:

enabled: false

then create or upgrade the vCluster with:

vcluster create my-vcluster --upgrade -f values.yaml
Correct Cluster Functionality

Disabling certain resources such as services, endpoints or pods can lead to a non-functional virtual Kubernetes cluster, so be careful with what resources you are deactivating.

Sync all Secrets and Configmaps

With the new generic sync, vCluster currently only knows about a couple of resources that actually use secrets / configmaps and will try to sync only those into the host cluster, but this allows syncing of all secrets and configmaps to avoid the problem that needed secrets / configmaps are not synced to the host cluster. To enable this, simply add the following values to the helm chart / vCluster cli options:

all: true
all: true

Extra Pod Options

By default ephemeral containers and readiness gates will not be synced by vCluster, as they require additional permissions. To enable those, please activate those within your values.yaml:

enabled: true
# Sync ephemeralContainers to host cluster
ephemeralContainers: true
# Sync readiness gates to host cluster
status: true