Reduce Duplicated K8s Tools with a Shared Platform Stack

Run fewer duplicates of K8s tools like Istio, Cert Manager, and OPA by consolidating clusters and going virtual.


Running your platform stack 100s of times is expensive & difficult to manage

The high costs of duplicated platform stacks

  • Excessive Costs: High expenses from running your platform stack hundreds of times.
  • Resource Inefficiency: Inefficient resource use from maintaining multiple instances of the same stack.
  • Management Difficulty: Increased complexity from duplicated platform components.

Shared platform stack reduces duplication headache and saves cost

Enhance efficiency and consistency with a Shared Platform Stack

  • Cost Efficiency: Run your platform stack once across all virtual clusters instead of running hundreds of copies of components like Istio, Cert Manager, OPA, and Vault.
  • Centralized Management: Lower maintenance expenses by enabling centralized management of the platform stack.
  • Consistency: Enforce consistent standards across all virtual clusters, reducing variability and associated costs.

Reduce Kubernetes cost with virtual clusters

Shared Platform Stack reduces duplication of infra components like Istio, Cert Manager and OPA.

Want to demo a Shared Platform Stack?

Get a customized demo to see how much a consolidated platform stack can save on your K8s costs.