Experimental Generic Sync (Deprecated)
This experimental feature is now deprecated. There are currently no plans to remove it, but further enhancements are not expected to be added. For more advanced capabilities, please consider using the custom resource sync (fromHost, toHost) and any available integrations, or consider writing a custom plugin.
Make host cluster CRDs and resources available to the virtual cluster for use by workloads.
Configuration syntax​
Virtual to host cluster​
- apiVersion:
- op:
- op:
Use the top-level export
field to declare which virtual resources you want to sync to the host cluster. Each item in the export
array defines the resource via apiVersion
and kind
strings. Each apiVersion
and kind
pair can have only one entry in the export
Use patches
to define how to modify synced resources before the resource's creation or update in the host cluster.
Use reversePatches
to declare how changes to synced host cluster resource propogate back to the original resource in the virtual cluster.
Use selector
to limit which resources to sync from the virtual cluster. The virtual resource is synced when it matches one or more selectors, or when the selector
field is empty.
See Certificate manager for an example.
Host to virtual cluster​
enabled: true
- apiVersion:
- op:
- op:
Requires multi-namespace mode.
Use the top-level import
field to declare which host resources to sync to the virtual cluster. Each item in the import
array defines the resource via apiVersion
and kind
strings. Each apiVersion
and kind
pair can have only one entry in the import
Use patches
to define how to modify certain synced resource fields before the resource's creation or update in the virtual cluster. See [patches reference] for details.
Use reversePatches
to declare how changes to synced virtual cluster resource propogate back to the original resource in the host cluster.
Use selector
to limit which resources to sync from the host cluster. The host resource is synced when it matches, or when the selector
is empty.
Hooks (Pro)​
This feature is an Enterprise feature. See our pricing plans or contact our sales team for more information.
Use Hooks to:
- Patch any Kubernetes resource during synchronization and before resources are applied to the Kubernetes API server.
- Remove sensitive information before being written to the host or virtual cluster.
You can also add additional information to a resource, such as labels and annotations on all resources belonging to a tenant or add imagePullSecrets
to virtual cluster pods
as they are synced to the host cluster.
Hooks configuration specifies Kubernetes resources to patch. You can specify the resource group, API version, and resource kind and then the verbs for
which API calls to patch. Configure patches using operations like add
, remove
, replace
, and copyFromObject
. See Node info remover and add imagePullSecrets
to Pods for examples.
Find additional configuration examples in the vCluster repository's generic-sync-examples folder.
Certificate manager export​
Create TLS certificates for websites and manage your own cert-manager Issuer. The RBAC-namespaced role
and cluster-scoped clusterRole
configure permissions.
The vCluster instance must run in multi-namespace mode so that it can:
- Utilize cert-manager's Issuer resource.
- Sync cert-manager's namespace-scoped Secret to the virtual cluster's namespace, so the virtual cluster's Ingress can use the Secret.
Follow these steps to use cert-manager:
- Create an Issuer in the virtual cluster.
- Create an Ingress in the virtual cluster that uses the Issuer through annotation:
cert-manager.io/issuer: ${ISSUER_NAME}
. - Verify that a
resource has been created for the ingress. - Verify that a
with the name fromspec.tls[0].secretName
has been created and synced back to the vCluster with the generated certificate. - Apply the cert-manager configuration.
cert-manager configuration
enabled: true
# sync all secrets
all: true
# sync ingresses and allow "cert-manager.io/issuer" annotation
enabled: true
# sync cert-manager certificates
enabled: true
# sync cert-manager issuers
enabled: true
# sync cert-manager cluster issuers
enabled: true
scope: Cluster
Istio export​
Use Istio VirtualService and Gateway resources to expose vCluster services.
Follow these steps to use Istio:
- Install Istio on your host cluster.
- Deploy an Istio app in the virtual cluster. You can use Istio's BookInfo app if you don't have one.
- Create the VirtualService and Gateway in the virtual cluster by applying the
Istio configuration. - Verify that you can browse to the app's website using the host-installed Istio.
Istio configuration
# Setting these podLabels and coredns.podLabels should ensure that vcluster
# control plane pods won't have the sidecar injected, as this is unnecessary
# for most use cases
sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
# Adding the --sync-labels argument to the syncer will propagate sidecar.istio.io/inject
# label from the workloads(pods) created in the vcluster to their representation in the
# host cluster, which would allow vcluster users to control the sidecar injection
# Comment out 3 lines below to enable this, and merge this with your other syncer values
# if you have some.
# syncer:
# extraArgs:
# - "--sync-labels=sidecar.istio.io/inject"
# Warning: current configuration supports VirtualService traffic only within the same namespace.
# Traffic to service.namespace.svc(.cluster.local) URLs will not be routed by Istio.
enabled: true
- apiGroups: ["networking.istio.io"]
resources: ["virtualservices", "destinationrules", "serviceentries", "gateways"]
verbs: ["create", "delete", "patch", "update", "get", "list", "watch"]
# extra cluster scoper permissions required for the plugin
- apiGroups: ["apiextensions.k8s.io"]
resources: ["customresourcedefinitions"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
- apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1
kind: Gateway
- apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1
kind: VirtualService
- op: rewriteName
path: .spec.gateways[*]
regex: "($NAMESPACE/)?$NAME"
- notEqual: "mesh"
- apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1
kind: DestinationRule
- op: rewriteName
path: .spec.exportTo
- notEqual: "."
- kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
Node info remover hooks (Pro)​
This feature is an Enterprise feature. See our pricing plans or contact our sales team for more information.
Configure hooks
to hide Node images from virtual cluster users. After applying the configuration, you can test by running kubectl get nodes
in the virtual cluster.
Node info remover configuration
- apiVersion: v1
kind: Node
- op: remove
path: status.images
- op: replace
path: metadata.annotations
value: {}
- op: replace
path: metadata.labels
value: {}
- fromPath: metadata.annotations["node.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl"]
op: copyFromObject
path: metadata.annotations["node.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl"]
- fromPath: metadata.labels["kubernetes.io/arch"]
op: copyFromObject
path: metadata.labels["kubernetes.io/arch"]
- fromPath: metadata.labels["kubernetes.io/hostname"]
op: copyFromObject
path: metadata.labels["kubernetes.io/hostname"]
- fromPath: metadata.labels["kubernetes.io/os"]
op: copyFromObject
path: metadata.labels["kubernetes.io/os"]
- fromPath: metadata.labels["beta.kubernetes.io/arch"]
op: copyFromObject
path: metadata.labels["beta.kubernetes.io/arch"]
- fromPath: metadata.labels["beta.kubernetes.io/hostname"]
op: copyFromObject
path: metadata.labels["beta.kubernetes.io/hostname"]
- fromPath: metadata.labels["beta.kubernetes.io/os"]
op: copyFromObject
path: metadata.labels["beta.kubernetes.io/os"]
verbs: ["update", "patch", "create", "get", "list"]
virtualToHost: []
Pods add imagePullSecrets
hook (Pro)​
This feature is an Enterprise feature. See our pricing plans or contact our sales team for more information.
Configure hooks
to add imagePullSecrets
to all pods
in all namespaces
created in the virtual cluster. The secrets
specified must be available in the host cluster namespace
that the pod
is synced. After applying the configuration, you can test by getting the spec of any synced pod
and ensuring that the spec.imagePullSecrets
has been added.
Pods add imagePullSecrets
- apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
- op: add
path: spec.imagePullSecrets[0]
name: hook-secret
op | Description |
add | Add contents of the value into the path field. The value can be either scalar or a complex object. |
copyFromObject | Copy value of the field referenced in the fromPath from the originating object to the path field of the destination object. The fromPath can be omitted, in such case, it will default to the same field path as referenced in the path . |
remove | Remove the contents of the path field |
replace | Replace the contents of the path field with the contents of the value . The value can be either scalar or a complex object. |
Virtual to host
op | Description |
rewriteLabelKey | The keys of the .metadata.labels of the synced resources are rewritten by vCluster and plugins. This patch type allows you to rewrite the key references in the same way, so the fields that are referencing labels will still reference correct labels in their rewritten form. For example, the label key-value pair "app: curl" is rewritten to "vcluster.loft.sh/label-vcluster-x-a172cedcae: curl", so with this patch operation you can rewrite a field that contains "app" to "vcluster.loft.sh/label-vcluster-x-a172cedcae, and the controllers operating on the synced resources will work with this label just as expected. This is not necessary when using the ["Multi-namespace mode"].(./multi_namespace_mode.mdx). |
rewriteLabelSelector | This operation exists for the same reasons as described for the rewriteLabelKey operation. It is intended to be used for the key-value map fields that represent a label selector. This patch operation will rewrite all keys in the field referenced by path to the expected format for the label keys, and it will also add additional key-value pairs(with virtual namespace and vCluster name) to avoid naming conflicts. This is not necessary when using multi-namespace mode. |
rewriteLabelExpressionsSelector | Similar to the rewriteLabelSelector , but expects path reference a field with the matchLabels and matchExpressions sub-fields, which will have the label keys rewritten just as described for rewriteLabelKey . This is not necessary when using multi-namespace mode. |
rewriteName | Replaces the contents of the path field with transformed content based on the namespace of the synced resource. This is typically done on the fields that refer to a resource name, and on the .metadata.name as well(implicit). This is done to avoid naming collisions when syncing resources to the host cluster, but it is not necessary when using multi-namespace mode.As an example, the "logstash" value of a resource in the "logging" namespace of the vCluster named "vc" is rewritten to "logstash-x-logging-x-vc". If the resulting length of the value would be over 63 characters, the last 10 characters will be replaced with a hash of the full value. |
rewriteName + namePath + namespacePath | Similar to rewriteName , but with an addition of the namePath and/or namespacePath . This is used when a field of the synced resource is referencing a different resource via namespace and name via two separate fields. When using this option you would set the path to reference a field that is a common parent of both namePath and namespacePath , and these two fields would then contain just the relative path. For example, path: spec.includes + namePath: name + namespacePath: namespace for a resource that contains name in spec.includes.name and namespace in spec.includes.namespace . |
rewriteName + regex | Similar to rewriteName , but with an addition of the regex option for the patch. This is used when a string contains not just the resource name, but optionally a namespace, and other characters. For example, a string containing "namespace/name" can be correctly rewritten with the addition of this configuration option - regex: "$NAMESPACE/$NAME" . The vCluster uses Go regular expressions to recognize the name part with the "NAME" capture group (can be written as $NAME ), and the namespace with the "NAMESPACE" capture group (can be written as $NAMESPACE ). |
Config reference​
required object pro​
GenericSync holds options to generically sync resources from virtual cluster to host.
required object pro​version
required string pro​
Version is the config version
required string pro​export
required object[] pro​
Exports syncs a resource from the virtual cluster to the host
required object[] pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion of the object to sync
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind of the object to sync
required string pro​optional
required boolean pro​
required boolean pro​replaceOnConflict
required boolean pro​
ReplaceWhenInvalid determines if the controller should try to recreate the object
if there is a problem applying
required boolean pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches are the patches to apply on the virtual cluster objects
when syncing them from the host cluster
required object[] pro​op
required string pro​
Operation is the type of the patch
required string pro​fromPath
required string pro​
FromPath is the path from the other object
required string pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path of the patch
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the path to the name of a child resource within Path
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is path to the namespace of a child resource within Path
required string pro​value
required object pro​
Value is the new value to be set to the path
required object pro​regex
required string pro​
Regex - is regular expresion used to identify the Name,
and optionally Namespace, parts of the field value that
will be replaced with the rewritten Name and/or Namespace
required string pro​conditions
required object[] pro​
Conditions are conditions that must be true for
the patch to get executed
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the object to select
required string pro​subPath
required string pro​
SubPath is the path below the selected object to select
required string pro​equal
required object pro​
Equal is the value the path should be equal to
required object pro​notEqual
required object pro​
NotEqual is the value the path should not be equal to
required object pro​empty
required boolean pro​
Empty means that the path value should be empty or unset
required boolean pro​ignore
required boolean pro​
Ignore determines if the path should be ignored if handled as a reverse patch
required boolean pro​reversePatches
required object[] pro​
ReversePatches are the patches to apply to host cluster objects
after it has been synced to the virtual cluster
required object[] pro​op
required string pro​
Operation is the type of the patch
required string pro​fromPath
required string pro​
FromPath is the path from the other object
required string pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path of the patch
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the path to the name of a child resource within Path
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is path to the namespace of a child resource within Path
required string pro​value
required object pro​
Value is the new value to be set to the path
required object pro​regex
required string pro​
Regex - is regular expresion used to identify the Name,
and optionally Namespace, parts of the field value that
will be replaced with the rewritten Name and/or Namespace
required string pro​conditions
required object[] pro​
Conditions are conditions that must be true for
the patch to get executed
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the object to select
required string pro​subPath
required string pro​
SubPath is the path below the selected object to select
required string pro​equal
required object pro​
Equal is the value the path should be equal to
required object pro​notEqual
required object pro​
NotEqual is the value the path should not be equal to
required object pro​empty
required boolean pro​
Empty means that the path value should be empty or unset
required boolean pro​ignore
required boolean pro​
Ignore determines if the path should be ignored if handled as a reverse patch
required boolean pro​import
required object[] pro​
Imports syncs a resource from the host cluster to virtual cluster
required object[] pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion of the object to sync
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind of the object to sync
required string pro​optional
required boolean pro​
required boolean pro​replaceOnConflict
required boolean pro​
ReplaceWhenInvalid determines if the controller should try to recreate the object
if there is a problem applying
required boolean pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches are the patches to apply on the virtual cluster objects
when syncing them from the host cluster
required object[] pro​op
required string pro​
Operation is the type of the patch
required string pro​fromPath
required string pro​
FromPath is the path from the other object
required string pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path of the patch
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the path to the name of a child resource within Path
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is path to the namespace of a child resource within Path
required string pro​value
required object pro​
Value is the new value to be set to the path
required object pro​regex
required string pro​
Regex - is regular expresion used to identify the Name,
and optionally Namespace, parts of the field value that
will be replaced with the rewritten Name and/or Namespace
required string pro​conditions
required object[] pro​
Conditions are conditions that must be true for
the patch to get executed
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the object to select
required string pro​subPath
required string pro​
SubPath is the path below the selected object to select
required string pro​equal
required object pro​
Equal is the value the path should be equal to
required object pro​notEqual
required object pro​
NotEqual is the value the path should not be equal to
required object pro​empty
required boolean pro​
Empty means that the path value should be empty or unset
required boolean pro​ignore
required boolean pro​
Ignore determines if the path should be ignored if handled as a reverse patch
required boolean pro​reversePatches
required object[] pro​
ReversePatches are the patches to apply to host cluster objects
after it has been synced to the virtual cluster
required object[] pro​op
required string pro​
Operation is the type of the patch
required string pro​fromPath
required string pro​
FromPath is the path from the other object
required string pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path of the patch
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the path to the name of a child resource within Path
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is path to the namespace of a child resource within Path
required string pro​value
required object pro​
Value is the new value to be set to the path
required object pro​regex
required string pro​
Regex - is regular expresion used to identify the Name,
and optionally Namespace, parts of the field value that
will be replaced with the rewritten Name and/or Namespace
required string pro​conditions
required object[] pro​
Conditions are conditions that must be true for
the patch to get executed
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the object to select
required string pro​subPath
required string pro​
SubPath is the path below the selected object to select
required string pro​equal
required object pro​
Equal is the value the path should be equal to
required object pro​notEqual
required object pro​
NotEqual is the value the path should not be equal to
required object pro​empty
required boolean pro​
Empty means that the path value should be empty or unset
required boolean pro​ignore
required boolean pro​
Ignore determines if the path should be ignored if handled as a reverse patch
required boolean pro​hooks
required object pro​
Hooks are hooks that can be used to inject custom patches before syncing
required object pro​hostToVirtual
required object[] pro​
HostToVirtual is a hook that is executed before syncing from the host to the virtual cluster
required object[] pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion of the object to sync
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind of the object to sync
required string pro​verbs
required string[] pro​
Verbs are the verbs that the hook should mutate
required string[] pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches are the patches to apply on the object to be synced
required object[] pro​op
required string pro​
Operation is the type of the patch
required string pro​fromPath
required string pro​
FromPath is the path from the other object
required string pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path of the patch
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the path to the name of a child resource within Path
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is path to the namespace of a child resource within Path
required string pro​value
required object pro​
Value is the new value to be set to the path
required object pro​regex
required string pro​
Regex - is regular expresion used to identify the Name,
and optionally Namespace, parts of the field value that
will be replaced with the rewritten Name and/or Namespace
required string pro​conditions
required object[] pro​
Conditions are conditions that must be true for
the patch to get executed
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the object to select
required string pro​subPath
required string pro​
SubPath is the path below the selected object to select
required string pro​equal
required object pro​
Equal is the value the path should be equal to
required object pro​notEqual
required object pro​
NotEqual is the value the path should not be equal to
required object pro​empty
required boolean pro​
Empty means that the path value should be empty or unset
required boolean pro​ignore
required boolean pro​
Ignore determines if the path should be ignored if handled as a reverse patch
required boolean pro​virtualToHost
required object[] pro​
VirtualToHost is a hook that is executed before syncing from the virtual to the host cluster
required object[] pro​apiVersion
required string pro​
APIVersion of the object to sync
required string pro​kind
required string pro​
Kind of the object to sync
required string pro​verbs
required string[] pro​
Verbs are the verbs that the hook should mutate
required string[] pro​patches
required object[] pro​
Patches are the patches to apply on the object to be synced
required object[] pro​op
required string pro​
Operation is the type of the patch
required string pro​fromPath
required string pro​
FromPath is the path from the other object
required string pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path of the patch
required string pro​namePath
required string pro​
NamePath is the path to the name of a child resource within Path
required string pro​namespacePath
required string pro​
NamespacePath is path to the namespace of a child resource within Path
required string pro​value
required object pro​
Value is the new value to be set to the path
required object pro​regex
required string pro​
Regex - is regular expresion used to identify the Name,
and optionally Namespace, parts of the field value that
will be replaced with the rewritten Name and/or Namespace
required string pro​conditions
required object[] pro​
Conditions are conditions that must be true for
the patch to get executed
required object[] pro​path
required string pro​
Path is the path within the object to select
required string pro​subPath
required string pro​
SubPath is the path below the selected object to select
required string pro​equal
required object pro​
Equal is the value the path should be equal to
required object pro​notEqual
required object pro​
NotEqual is the value the path should not be equal to
required object pro​empty
required boolean pro​
Empty means that the path value should be empty or unset
required boolean pro​ignore
required boolean pro​
Ignore determines if the path should be ignored if handled as a reverse patch
required boolean pro​